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Wedding Makeup Tips

Wedding Makeup Tips - Married of course every woman's dream, wantid obtain inner and outer happiness with a partner who has become the choice hearts forever. On the wedding day every woman also wantid look special in the eyes of the groom, wantid look beautiful, charming, graceful and make it more love you. Then how to you get beautiful in this important moment?

Wedding Makeup Tips

Wedding Makeup Tips
Here, you must start with the basic preparation beforehand, preparing invitations and make the invitation list was obliged to enliven your wedding party and witness your beauty as a bride. Then just choose the wedding dress is elegant, and finally it's time you listened Wedding Makeup Tips.

Before D-Day

First: Conduct a program of skin care, hair and nails at least 6 weeks before the wedding. Started going for regular facials and manicures also do not forget to do your hair treatments.

Second: Stay away from sunlight as much as possible. In this case you need to get out, do not forget to use sun-block, with at least 20 SPF. Try to avoid extreme weather, such as wind, rain or heat.

Third: If you stress because it has a tough job, be sure to go for relaxation massage, at least once a week. Use essential oils in your bathroom and try to use aromatherapy at least one session before the wedding.

Fourth: Do not sleep, you must set the time and rest that many if not you will find it hard to hide the circles under your eyes on D-.

Fifth: Make reservations for make-up artist at least 3-4 months before the wedding. Let him / her see your clothes, so that he / she can plan a proper display. You should also go for a trial session before the wedding.

On The D-Day

First: It is recommended to synchronize your makeup with a wedding dress and jewelry. If they are very heavy, then you should prefer to get makeup done on D-day.

Second: When your marriage also have a bearing on the type and amount of makeup. For example, the makeup looks good at night, but will make you look very strange under the harsh sunlight.

Third: If your wedding has been scheduled for the spring / summer, bright, pastel colors will work the best. For winter weddings, warm colors and deeper will be the better choice.

Fourth: Although your bridal makeup should be heavier and more dramatic than you would for regular party, it should not be so heavy that it makes you look like a made-up doll.

Fifth: Because your wedding, you will be photographed a lot. Remember, the foundation will work best with yellow tones flash photography. Meanwhile, in a tone of pink will make you look too pale.

Sixth: Always go for the lip liner, which is the same color as your lipstick. If not, you may end up with a lip line that is too glaring. At the same time, always stick to long-lasting lipstick, for your wedding.

Seventh: Remember, you have to balance the composition of the eye with lip makeup. In case you want to go for dramatic eyes, go for light color lip color. If you use a dark lipstick, it's better to have a natural, light eyes.

Eighth: Do not forget to apply foundation on the neck, back, ears and other body areas affected as well. If not, your face will look painted and your beauty - artificial.

Ninth: It is advisable to go for a light translucent powder dust, so you do not end up face shine too much. You can also apply bronzing powder to warm your skin tone and get natural light.

Tenth: Ask your brother, friend or other female relatives to bring the powder, and lipstick for your backup. This will help you do a touch up, especially if your wedding will be a long party.

Wedding Makeup Tips Good luck!

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